Aaron has been participating in a pre-school co-op that some friends and I organized. We each take turns teaching the 6 kids (5 boys and 1 girl) each Monday and Wednesday at our homes. We get the curriculum on-line and the kids are loving it. One of the moms is a photographer, so she took some school pictures the other day. Aaron has such a cheesy smile!
Although this is working out great for us now, I've decided to take the next semester off. If there is a time in my life when I need to take things off my plate, it's now! I'm sure Aaron won't be happy when he discovers he's not going to school, but I'm actually looking forward to a few months of being just at home with my boys. But, knowing me, I'll soon get restless, so I hope to get him back in the co-op next Fall.
12 hours ago