Saturday, August 1, 2009

12 weeks!

Officially entering the 2nd trimester! We had a sonogram yesterday and other than Aaron shouting "Daddy, where are your boobies?" in the waiting room, everything went great. I think I'll start referring to them as "mommy parts" from now on. They (the babies) are actually measuring a couple days ahead of schedule. We have another sono scheduled in 4 weeks, so we hope to find out genders then!
Many more successes on the potty lately, I guess we are officially potty trained!


Stephanie said...

yay on both accounts (potty and twins). We'll be starting the potty training soon, ugh.

Thinking pink thoughts for you!


Jessica said...

It is good to hear that you are feeling better! I was so sick with Emily, but hardly sick at all with Luke, so maybe you get some pink onesies after all! Cant wait to see you next month!!!