Tuesday, April 21, 2009

IVF, here we go again!

As you saw from the title, we are on the road again with in-vetro fertilization. So many of you prayed for us the first go around and we are so blessed with Aaron. But, our hearts still desire more children, so the Lord has led us to this point once more. The doctor’s office told us not to tell too many people in case the news was disappointing, but we believe in the power of prayer. So, we are asking you to keep our family and the doctors and nurses overseeing all this in your prayers over the next 6 weeks. Hopefully we will send out happy news sometime in June. If not, we trust God’s plan for our lives. But, until then, it’s one step at a time and one prayer at a time.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

YAY!! We'll be praying for you, of course, and I'm assuming it's ok to tell life group (considering you posted it on the blog) right? I'm glad you're back to blogging...I miss the updates!