Monday, September 21, 2009

My stash!

This is for you JD! Total before coupons/deals was $93.14 (look at all those diapers!). Total out of pocket was $31.16 and I got $8.50 back in Walgreens and CVS cash. It took hours of planning, preparation and execution, but it's fun. I could have done even better if I had scraped together a couple more coupons and beat some others to a couple of deals, but not too bad!

Family update: Aaron started pre-school this week. Myself and 5 other friends got together and formed a pre-school co-op. We take turns being a helper and then a teacher each week and then have the other weeks "off" to do things like rob Walgreens and CVS! Aaron loves "school" and the co-op is running very smoothly. The baby boys are doing great. At my appointment then other day I was 19 weeks, but they were measuring 20 weeks, which is great! They are growing very evenly and I'm feeling fine. Putting on shoes for myself and Aaron as well as rolling over in bed is getting to be a challenge, but we haven't seen nothin' yet! I visited the brand new Seton Hays hospital this week and the maternity ward is so nice I'm almost looking forward to giving birth to two babies.